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Understanding Medical Words Tutorial
Here are beginnings about tests and procedures:
- Echo - means using ultrasonic waves
- Electro - means using electricity
Here are endings about tests and procedures:
- - Ectomy means removal of
- - Gram means a picture
- - Graph or - graphy means the process of making a picture
- - Otomy means making a cut in
- - Scopy means use of instrument for viewing
- - Stomy means create an opening
Beginnings and endings about problems:
- Dys - is not working correctly
- Mal - is bad
- - Emia is blood condition
- - Itis is inflammation
- - Osis is condition or disease
- - Pathy is disease
Beginnings and endings about specialties and specialists: who are you going to see?
- - Ology is the study of a part of the body
So... - An - ologist means a person working with a specific part of the body or a specific disease
- - Iatry is a medical treatment
So... - An - iatrist means a person providing specific treatment