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Learn about your genes with MedlinePlus
Genetics Home Reference is now part of MedlinePlus, an online health and wellness resource from the National Library of Medicine
Most of us know that traits like eye color, height, and even some of our behaviors are related to our genes. But do you know what makes up a gene, or how genes work? Have you ever wondered about DNA, RNA, or mRNA? It can seem confusing, but MedlinePlus can help you make sense of it all.
Detailed information about genes and genetic conditions has been added to MedlinePlus, an online health and wellness resource from the National Library of Medicine (NLM). This information, which is from the former NLM website Genetics Home Reference, is available under the heading "MedlinePlus Genetics."
You already know you can go to MedlinePlus to learn about health and wellness, medical tests, and more. Now, it's also a comprehensive resource for information on genetics. So, you can find even more easy-to-understand health information in one convenient place.
A helpful handbook on genetics
MedlinePlus Genetics features an illustrated, easy-to-read handbook, "Help Me Understand Genetics." Here you can read straightforward information about genetic testing, gene therapy, and genetic research. The handbook also covers:
- Clear definitions of genetic terms, such as genes and DNA
- An explanation of gene variants and how they can cause disorders
- A basic description of how genes work
- What it means to have an inherited genetic condition
- Information on precision medicine, a treatment approach designed around a person's unique genetic makeup, environment, and lifestyle
Genetics from A to Z
MedlinePlus Genetics also includes articles on more than 1,400 genes and 1,300 genetic conditions. For example, there are entries on alopecia areata, Hashimoto thyroiditis, migraine, and others.
Learn about:
- The function of individual genes and how genetic changes can impact your health
- The symptoms and causes of genetic disorders
- Chromosomes, the parts of cells that contain your genes
- Mitochondrial DNA, a special type of genetic material
Ready to dive into genetics information now? Visit